Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Former GOP congressman Will Hurd charges that Trump is only running to avoid prosecution.

Former GOP congressman Will Hurd charges that Trump is only running to avoid prosecution. He says that to a torrent of boos. But why boo him??? /sarc

Compare that with this story in Gateway Pundit--- Trump confronts Biden in 2020 debate about Hunter getting 3.5 million donation from Moscow's mayor's wife.

None of this is new. It is almost if the GOP that opposes Trump are die hard Democrats. Yet, they run as Republicans.

Recall that Trump was being accused of colluding with the Russians. But here's Hunter Biden taking money from the Russians. Also, Brandon lied about it all, and in the debate, called Trump a "clown".

The GOP should be CRUSHING the Democrats. But the Rasmussen Poll has Brandon at 47 percent yesterday. Obviously, Hurd and others like him, are helping give Brandon a LOT of cover.

People need to wake up now.

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