Saturday, May 13, 2023

Cargo cult leftism as a suicide pact

A perusal of Instapundit discussed cargo cult thinking. It reminded me of a post on that subject nearly at the beginning of this here blog.

Cargo cultism can be thought of as a mindset which extrapolates over a wide range of leftist thought. The Instapundit post was in relation to economics. It so happens that the higher interest rates are now becoming a large part of the budget, and is pressuring the government to add more debt. But that is what caused the problem in the first place. Now they are wanting to add yet more debt in order to service the debt that already exists. The problem is that it crowds out the rest of the budget. It has caught up to defense spending. What's next? A lot of the social spending that the left loves so much. Here's the link with regards to defense spending: Interest expenses exceed defense

Here's the link to the original post here with regards to science. Cargo cult science

In case anybody needs to be reminded, there was something called a pandemic, which resulted in a shutdown of economic activity, which was supposed to last only a few weeks, but kind of became semi-permanent. We were constantly being lectured about the "science", which wasn't science at all. It was a cargo cult. The vaccine really wasn't a vaccine, because its efficacy and safety wasn't scientifically demonstrated. But we got the lectures and their magic word, which was supposed to save us all, but didn't. No more than the building of wooden boxes and talking into them could cause the planes to come from afar with all those goodies. A vaccine is a word that means something. If it doesn't work, it isn't a vaccine.

The cargo cult is in the assumption that merely mentioning the magic words would make good things appear. It was like those South Pacific Islanders during World War II. They didn't understand what science was, so they just imitated what they saw, and thought it could produce the same results. The goodies didn't come because of some magical incantation, but from knowledge obtained through work and merit. It so happens that the left is trying to erase all ideas of merit, and assumes that everybody is exactly equal, even if they don't do anything to earn the merit. Otherwise known as "free stuff". Or "equality". But what if people aren't equally motivated to do the work necessary to achieve something? It cannot be just assumed as if by the mere utterance of a magic word.

Supposedly, calling someone a racist for pointing this out, will make the accuser a more moral person. More cargo cultism, as the accusation doesn't prove more merit to the accuser, nor does it prove that the accusation is true or not.

Expanding the idea further, the left is always looking for its next Watergate. They got rid of Nixon that way, so the mere accusation of wrongdoing is enough to impeach a president. That's true for them even though they have no evidence of what they are accusing anybody of. Here's the link on Watergate Redux. Watergate redux as cargo cult

The point of the Cargo Cult is that merit isn't required. The mere mention of a magic word, or a magic incantation, such as Watergate, will somehow produce the results desired. The truth behind it isn't understood. Or the lack of truth, to be more exact. Without merit, the entire basis of a complex and modern society isn't sustainable. Hence, the drive towards more and more mediocrity and failure. The budget failures and military failures are further examples of how this is metasizing throughout Western Civilization.

Like the Jim Jones cultists that drank the Kool-Aid, the cargo cultists just need to keep the faith. Everything will be proven in the end. But what if they are wrong? Or shall it be said, what makes them right? If you remove all merit, the how do you know what the truth is about any matter?

The root of all this is in leftist guilt tripping, which makes them feel culturally superior. They feel super guilty, and feeling this way makes them feel superior. Like the Kool Aid, it is a suicide pact. Western Culture is destroying itself in order to make some of its people feel better about things in the past, in which they had nothing to do with. But it makes them feel superior, don't you know. It may get us all dead if it isn't stopped.

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