Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Old fart story

There's no real point to this post. Why not do something a little different sometimes?

There was this mention on the webs that English is not a phonetic language. It reminded me of a time when I was in sixth grade, and somebody's mother came to talk to the class. She was from Italy, and she said that English isn't written the way that it is spoken. Yep, I've heard that English was not phonetic before.

Funny the things that you can remember, but other things are so quickly forgotten. Is that unique of me, or is everybody like that? The things that stick in your mind is what you remember. Other things that don't stick are the things that are forgotten.

When I was in sixth grade, the USA was embroiled in the Vietnam War. That war was lasting so long that I was wondering if I was going to have to fight in it. I did have to register for the draft, even though the draft was being phased out by the time I reached 18.

My memories might be getting jumbled up, but about that time, there was a lot going on. There were assasinations, riots, and the war. Not only that, but Richard Nixon was elected only to be ousted from office before his time was finished with his second term. And there was the landing on the moon.

Looking back in retrospect, that was a consequential time. As I've written before, it was the high water mark of this country in terms of economics. The Gross Domestic Product in terms of gold per capita has not been exceeded since that time. Several other things happened as well.

The late sixties was a turning point. It looks like it was a turning point down. It is hard to characterize it as anything else.

But all of that is from an old fart. Undoubtedly I've mentioned a lot of these things before. There's no point to it really. Maybe we are living in a time that things are turning again. Up or down- which way will it be? One thing I've been doing a lot of lately is studying Roman History. There's no guarantee that things will turn on the upside. It could get a lot worse. If the Romans are any example, we could be in for a rough road ahead. I've seen mostly good times. One can get fooled by that. It isn't guaranteed that things will continue as it is.

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