Monday, March 14, 2022

This is what I think is going on

To: Those who may be reading this, and to whoever else may come across it. The following is what I think, and it may be a subject of contention, or whatever. Whatever the case may be, I'm sticking behind it. That's because it is the hill I die on. That hill is what I believe to be true. I'm not willing to die on any hill that someone says I must die on. If I am to die, it is going to be over the truth.

Again, for those who may be regular readers: Recently, I've been relating what I've been doing with regards to my off-grid project IN TERMS WITH I think is going on in the world. I've related a dumb mistake of crossing wires on a solar panel project. I said I didn't understand why I made such a dumb mistake. Now I know. I am very much not focused on that right now. Instead, this business going on, WHICH MIGHT RESULT IN A NUCLEAR EXCHANGE with Russia, is what is on my mind. This is literally a matter of life and death for us all. No way I don't say what I think on the matter. I have to come here and state my piece. If it doesn't accomplish a damned thing, so be it. At least nobody can say that I didn't say anything in protest.

I believe we are being manipulated into a war by the powers-that-be. The same powers that put Joe Biden in the White House without a CLEAR AND DEFINITE case of the will of the people, and it is part of the same manipulations that have been taking place for years now. The same manipulations that led to the double impeachments of President Donald Trump, the same manipulations of the phony ass covid "pandemic", the same manipulations of the phony ass Mueller investigation with regards to "Russian collusion", the same manipulations that have taken place with the New World Order that George HW Bush was talking about in the lead up to the Persian Gulf War in 1990. It might even be part of the Cultural Marxism mentioned many times previously over the years, and is now taking place under the banner of the so-called Great Reset. It is a gigantic phony ass con job. It could lead us into World War III with Russia, or a Civil War here, or both.

That is it. That is what I believe to be going on. Ukraine has the will to fight; but the Democrats, in a poll said that if this country was invaded in the same way- that they would flee. They do not have the will to fight. But they sure as hell would like to provoke a fight and make us all a part of it. They've been doing it as a gambit towards power and control. If we are going to get involved in this Ukrainian business, it should be understood EXACTLY why we are doing it.

If those who are pushing for more and more involvement are for war, then they should be prepared to accept the fact that they may well have to endure much of the grave loss of life and property destruction that likely will ensue because of this decision. If their idea is to provoke this and RUN AWAY when the trouble comes, then they should be called out, and told to SHUT THE EFF UP! Unless they are willing to endure the pain and tribulation of war, they should stay the hell out of this. PERIOD AND END OF SENTENCE. No more of the bullcrap phony ass political gamesmanship over matters of life and death.

In short, I think it is communist provocateurs who are causing this. They may deny that they are commies, but this goes right down their alley. Just for clarification here: "Nazis" and "Communists" are in the same book, as far as I'm concerned. They conspired together to overthrow the Weimar Republic, which brought Hitler into power, which in turn led to World War II. That is historical fact. Hitler and Stalin agreed to a non-aggression pact, which immediately led to the war beginning with the invasion of Poland. That is also historical fact. Just letting you know what I think of this. For whatever it is worth.

Once again, in my opinion, Biden didn't get rightfully elected according to our laws. Instead, a lot of manipulators in high places, brought that fact into being. If we are to go into a war, be it known, it will be because of the fact that not enough people are willing to stand up and do something about the truth of that, nor of anything else that has been happening. If you don't stand up and say NO to this, then you may not get the chance. It will be decided for you.

The lies and the cowardice keep coming. It won't stop until that stops. You know it is true. Certainly, there are a lot on the Trump side that believe the election was stolen, and so they must know that this is true. As for the Democrats, they must also know it is true, because they haven't the will the fight. This according to the mentioned poll taken. ( no citation: it was mentioned on Bongino recently, and I saw it elsewhere) Biden is their boy, and they approve of his handling of the office. If there is a war, the blood is on their hands. Like Biden, they have most likely have made a career around shifting the blame onto others. They cause problems, then blame it all on others. It is their fault, and their fault alone. It is our fault that we let them to do it us time and time again.

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