Thursday, March 17, 2022

Hunter Biden laptop was his after all

This one is a ho-hum. People believe the lies, that should be the story. Anybody who wanted the truth could have obtained it. It was out there. Same for everything else. People don't care about the truth. If they claim to have been lied to, let's just say I have my doubts. Many people knew this was true, and not Russian disinformation. Only now do they admit it. It is par for the course these days.

The lying doesn't stop until the rewards for lying stop. The way that stops is to stop believing them and stop obeying their unlawful dictates. They are frauds. We owe no obedience to false servants of the Constitution. Those who violate their oaths are not owed any loyalty or obedience. You might as well obey a crook impersonating a legitimate officer that you know is a fraud.

The only reason to obey is if you don't care or you're too afraid to stand up for what is right.

This one is ho-hum because there is nothing here that you wouldn't have known anyway. Same is true for almost the whole fraudulent show these days. I would limit it to "almost" because I presume that there may be at least one honest person in Washington DC today. I may be wrong about that.

If they wanted to end the election controversy, they would have had a complete audit of every state. They would have iron clad identification rules and those would be followed. They do not want free and fair elections. They are corrupt to the bone. So why would this be any news? Nobody cares.

They are calling for war like measures against a nuclear state. They have no sincerity about any of this and are playing it for the politics. The best thing is to totally ignore their bravo sierra, and refuse to go along with a bit of it.

If Russia nuked DC it might be an improvement.

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