Sunday, January 30, 2022

Beginner And Budget Friendly DIY Solar Power System! Anyone can build this!


Real Easy! Real Cheep! ( not )

So easy to get sucked in, you mean. I don't want to be too negative. There would be some real advantages to being able to say sayanora to the power companies. But the costs are really not that cheap.

You might get a simple system ( his words ) for about 3k. If you've 3k you got lying around, by all means. My budget is a bit less.

You might have all the charging power you need with the alternator in your car. Attach a pair of jumper cables to your batteries and ta da! Now THAT would be what I call simple. You MIGHT be able to get a battery for 500 or 600 bucks. That's the problem there. That and making sure that everything is kosher on the electrical side. You don't want to foul up your transportation system. Probably hold the amp load down to the maximum amp load on any of the other circuits in your 12 volt system. I'm thinking that might do it. It would take several hours to charge up a 100 amp batt, though.

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