Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Vee need zheir diamonds


Here's the video that I was referring to in that last post. It kinda looks like fighting, which doesn't mesh with coping with difficult people. However, fighting may be necessary. If you have to fight, you might as well fight with skill. Getting emotional won't help you win.

So the part that was most interesting was that supply thing I found yesterday. The supply needs to be threatened, because that is what they are constantly doing to those who they want to make miserable. There's a "diamond" level, and there's a "coal" level of supply. The diamonds are the most valuable, of course, and that which they will defend at all costs. The "coal" level is that part that they use to make you miserable. So, to get them to stop, you have to get at their "diamonds"!

Cool. But it isn't being narcissitic to make THEM miserable. It is JUSTICE. If you'd rather not fight, but rather stand up to them, a little more subtlety may be required. Yeah, that might be a bit more in tune with the general wussiness of most people.

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