Thursday, August 19, 2021

Enduring Freedom

Enduring Freedom: Wikipedia entry

The Wikipedia entry says it was the name for the Global War on Terror. It lists all of the countries that participated, and lists it as a victory for the Taliban. It is hard to see that this "war" was anything like it was portrayed to be, starting with the name it was given-- "Enduring Freedom", and the "Global War on Terror". Obviously, the results are not positive, that much is quite true.

With respect to "Enduring Freedom", the "free world" is in perpetual lockdowns. If it was to fight for freedom, it certainly doesn't feel like we've won, but we've really lost big time.

It was only superficially a "war". That part was over rather quickly. The idea behind it was that somehow freedom was to be defended by teaching the Afghans how to play nice.

If the idea was to prevent future terror attacks, it cannot be seen as a success either. The Taliban is a lot stronger than it was when it started. They have more and better weapons. If they want to harbor another Osama bin Laden after executing another big attack on civilization, what would stop them this time?

The operation failed in Afghanistan, and in now being tried in American cities. There is to be no more war on crime, and the crooks are to be treated nice because that is all they've lacked in their past. No more cops to beat up on them. Instead, we are to beat up on the people who have played by the rules, who expected the rules to be followed by those who are in charge of the public trust. Instead, "leaders" wrecked everything HERE, and failed to build anything of value in Afghanistan. It was as if the whole idea was to invalidate American civilization in the first place. Throw in a little CRT on the side, and the picture should be complete.

The guys who said after 9-11-2001 that "we had it coming" are now the ones who running this self-immolation. America's response to being attacked was to act as if we did it to ourselves. Well, somebody did it alright. But if this most recent election was truly stolen, it wasn't the people who made this choice.

We need to find out who really won last November. Is this truly being chosen from among the people, or is something being imposed upon us against our will?

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