Sunday, August 15, 2021


Does anybody remember why US forces were in that shithole to begin with? Osama bin Laden was there, and the country was protecting him. The USA wanted bin Laden because he was suspected in the 9-11 attack on World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Taliban refused to turn him over, and the US invaded. Twenty years later, it is back to square one.

George "Dubya" Bush was president back then. It was his idea to do all that and look what it has resulted in. Huge expenditures of blood and treasure to accomplish nothing at all. What a failure he was.

Sure, it was Biden's fault, too. But Bush deserves some special criticism for sucking up to the commies all these years. Once they got a chance to tear down one thing that he did, they wasted no time. This is how the commies operate.

This is Bush's failure as well as Biden's. But Biden actually likes doing crap like this. It is what he was made for, to instill pain in the hearts of patriots. Bush actually did TRY to help this country. That is why the commies hated him so much. You'd think Bush would understand it that way, because if he did, he would support Trump. But no...

It is easy to say now, but I had my doubts about going into Ashcanistan back then. We should have gone after bigger game. Ashcanistan is no real threat to us, but there are those who are. I can't prove it, but my sentiment was that there shouldn't be any Moose-limbs anywhere after what they did. Now Biden has made sure that the same thing that happened before will happen again. Only this time, he will be leading the charge!

Those are harsh words, but harsh words are needed now. Being soft only encourages them. The commies love to humiliate and punish America. They are hoping and praying for another 9-11 event, and it just might happen. There were those at the time who said America had it coming. The commies had no sympathy for America on 9-11. They loved that it happened.

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