Saturday, July 17, 2021

Too generous

AOC does not understand?

The link above is from victory girls blog. It is the refutation of AOC, but it says that she doesn't understand what she's doing. In my opinion, she does understand. She just doesn't have any respect for the truth. In other words, she's lying.

She may claim to be a socialist, but she's probably a communist. When it comes to the truth of a matter, the communists could care less. They are more concerned with getting their sorry butts into power. Once in power, they do not go away unless forced into it.

Nobody should be too generous and give them the benefit of the doubt. They lie if they can. Therefore, the children on the border were not in cages. She didn't get threatened by the mob on January 6th. And this business about Cuba is just another one of her lies.

The article is appreciated nonetheless, as not everybody knows that what AOC says is false. That is why liars lie. Unless you refute every one of their lies, their lies become understood as truth. That's a problem.

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