Wednesday, July 14, 2021

No respect deserved


Somebody on the GOP finally did something intelligent and sponsored a bill to support the protesters in Cuba. But what I read on the web is that no Democrats will support it.

If you cannot support these protesters then you really are a communist.

These days, that's not an insult to call them commies. For our side, why do we argue with these lying commies? Why do we take any of their ridiculous arguments seriously? If you won't support freedom for Cuba, then who the hell are you????

So when this piece of shit in the White House says whatever, then he should be treated the absolute contempt he so richly deserves. The same goes for the rest of that piece of shit party known as Democrats. If the GOP cannot oppose that, then they are no better.


A clarification: The communists don't consider being called out as such to be an insult. It is telling that not only do the Democrats not condemn communists, they don't feel insulted if you call them commies.

But they are smart enough to know that you cannot be seen as a communist yet. I expect them to start denying it if it becomes enough of a problem.

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