Tuesday, July 13, 2021


It is interesting to correlate what is happening in Cuba today versus what happened in the past. It should be remembered that Cuba was part of the Communist bloc, and was in close alliance with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union nearly provoked a nuclear war by placing nuclear tipped missiles there. Has that been flushed down the memory hole?

The book about the KGB said that Castro emulated the USSR totalitarian system. The KGB used people to snitch on each other, like today's Karens. It is how commies can control the population. Nobody could speak freely to anyone, because anybody can be a snitch. Any deviation from what is acceptable could land you in hot water with those tyrants. Sound familiar?

One of the things that the KGB liked to do is to call sane people crazy. We know this in popular parlance as "gaslighting". But the KGB took that much, much further. A particularly troublesome person to them would get "treatment". This "treatment" consisted of injections of chemicals which turned intelligent people into zombies. Sound familiar?

That is why all this protective treatment of the Communist regime today is so suspicious. It is as if the past has been memory-holed. When the Soviet Union was still in business, it was commonly understood that Cuba was definitely not a sympathetic country that we should pity. They were recognized as a threat.

So you've got the Pravda media trying to prop up the Communists, as they so often did during the Cold War. It ought to tell you something about who THEY are that the PRAVDA media would do this.

As for Biden, he needs his GOP RINO faction to continue to support him. Without the RINOS, there could be no Il Duce in the White House. BTW, one might ask why I call Biden that name. "Il Duce" was what Mussolini was called. Two things here: one: Fascism and Communism aren't diametrically opposed to each other. They are cousins, if not brothers. Secondly, "Il Duce" was also derided as a "Sawdust Caesar". Our very own Sawdust Caesar is somebody who can't stand on his own two feet. He is being propped up. But he acts as if he is a dictator. A strong gust of wind could blow him away. He needs to be walled in to keep him in place.

So the Sawdust Caesar, who needs propping up, needs his RINO comrades. His RINO comrades need a cover so as to keep their own cover credible. The Sawdust Caesar was late in his support, but he did finally get around to saying something supportive of the protesters in Cuba. But you can be assured that he really doesn't mean it. Deception is at the core of communism, as Lenin said himself.

People need to learn their history, but history is constantly being re-written. As statues are toppled, so is our history. Instead, we will be taught communism in all its disguises, such as Critical Race Theory. He who doesn't know history is doomed to repeat it, it was once said.

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