Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Another argument against the left vs right construct

As many who read here know already, there has been plenty of criticism here based upon this political construct. It should be discarded for yet another reason---it isn't very useful to get to the point of differences between the two sides.

That's because the two sides really aren't about IDEAS. They are about tribes. Its the blue tribe vs the red tribe. It isn't about what the two sides purportedly favor--or to put it another way, their ideas. The ideas are a prop to argue in favor of their own tribe versus the other.

Once you grasp that, then the idea that everything is about race comes into focus. If it were about equality, that would be IDEAS. But if it's about race, then it isn't about IDEAS, but TRIBES instead.

Furthermore, the two sides aren't really that far apart. You can tell that in the language. The left uses very hard language against the "right", but the right generally doesn't reciprocate. If it were about IDEAS, and if the "right" was really a polar opposite to the left on IDEAS, then shouldn't the right be a bit more vehement in their opposition?

However, if the IDEAS of the so-called "opposing" sides were really all that different on IDEAS, then there wouldn't be that big of a disagreement. Therefore, there really isn't much of a difference between the two sides on IDEAS. It's all about whose TRIBE is going to prevail.

Since it isn't about IDEAS, then hypocrisy is to be expected. It never really was about IDEAS, then. It NEVER is. It's all about who runs the show. The IDEAS will be fundamentally the same, even if the pretense is that the IDEAS are so different. That's because it's about WHO not WHAT. If it were about IDEAS, we wouldn't be talking about TRIBES. We'd be talking about IDEAS, which is definitely not the case when one side is loaded with "deplorables".

If it were about IDEAS, then it would be about FREEDOM, not who gets to run the show. Likewise, it would be about EQUALITY, instead about WHO is more racist.

This is a clever conflation of one thing for another, and using it as a prop in order to get an advantage of one group over another. That's what it is about, and it is a commie idea.

Those who label themselves as "right" are being mentally lazy, or they are complicit with the con-job. For anybody who can recognize an idea for what it is, and a group for what it is, should definitely be able to tell the difference between the two.

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