Monday, June 21, 2021

Nobody's writing about it --- very bad sign


Do you people really have that much faith in Manchin? Because his support for the filibuster is the only thing that separates the commies from this huge goal.

As Morris describes it, the AG will have the power to overrule the states' election laws. That's an incredible amount of power to give to one man. Think about that. Can you really believe that they will be honest and fair about the law? What is your reason for thinking that given how they have behaved in recent years? "They" means what I have been calling them---commies.

It doesn't matter what the grassroots are doing now or in the future if this bill passes. If you think there was fraud before, you haven't seen anything yet.

It should be THE story and the ONLY story right now. The significance of this cannot be overstated. From this one move, they will control IT ALL.

Everything else is a smokescreen. If you aren't on this, and if you truly care about the future, you'd better wake the hell up and quick. This one stinks to high heaven, and if you turn away from this one, you may regret if for the rest of your life.

I'm not kidding, here.

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