Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Construction Simulator game update

There's a kind of love-hate thing going on with this thing.

On the one hand, I love it that they have so many machines that you can play with.  On the other hand, the game simply does not explain things as well as it could.   Not only that, it also seems to act creepy as hell sometimes.  There was a section in which cars were slamming into my vehicles deliberately.  That is not my imagination, folks.  The cars were intentionally slamming my vehicles.

Then, during this same stretch, my vehicles inexplicably malfunctioned.  For example, stuff just disappeared.  After awhile, I found it UNDER my vehicle.  In order to get it out, I had to pull it out THROUGH the cargo bed of the vehicle.  Talking about bizarre.  There are other examples, trust me.

One has to wonder what brings on this type of action.  There's nothing I can prove, of course.  However, I was tempted to start making videos and posting them here as proof of the bizarro type behavior.

Evidently, the machine called off the dogs for awhile.  But just later today, something happened again that was strange.  Something that should work didn't.

You can explain some of these things away, but not all of them.  I am wondering what is driving this odd stuff.  I like the game, but this stuff sucks.  Yeah, and this stuff went into overdrive when I was about to write a nice review of it.  They could use one.  The game doesn't rate as highly as some other games.  I bought it in spite of this.  It is just too bad, that's all.

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