Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Cuban businessman speaks at the RNC



Watch this speech.  You have to be struck at the emotion in the man.

Here are a few facts:

Remember the boat lift of the Carter Administration?  You have to be one of the older folks to remember that one.  Tens of thousands fleeing communism in order to get to America and to freedom.  He is not claiming to be one of those people, by the way.  I include it to make a point about people who wish to flee communism.  It happened all through the Cold War Era.  

The Cold War is said to have ended more than a generation ago, so memories may be fading.  But not mine.

There was a fellow employee at a company I worked for, and he was Cuban.  He told me he left Cuba in order to get away from Castro.  Nothing like knowing someone personally who went through what you only see on television screens.  What I heard here sounds pretty real to me.

But in the media, all you hear today is how "dark" the messaging was at the opening night at the RNC.  Just remember from the history books that not everybody thought that Castro was a communist.  He fooled a lot of people into going along with him.

Don't be fooled.  Check things out.

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