Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Scooter Libby template

Yours truly called this thing way back when Mueller was appointed. This thing was just like the ScooterLibby scenario in the Bush 43 era. Libby was accused of a process crime in a matter that was not controversial, as the leaker was known, but still ended up with a Special Counsel to investigate.

In other words, there was no case.

Bongino gives himself a pat on the back for mentioning that they all want to forget about it now that it has failed and is being exposed as the fraud it was. Bongino says it is like "move on" in the Clinton years. Sure. Nothing wrong with taking credit for being right. I'm doing it here, too.

The problem is that this thing should have been shit-canned on Day One of the Mueller "investigation", whose sole existence was to find a process crime against the Trump administration, if not Trump himself.

And that is exactly what happened. I called it.

What we need to do is to get out in front of these things. That is why Sessions was such a disaster as Attorney General. Without his recusal, and the Deputy AG, Rosenstein, this Mueller fraud could have never gotten started.

So what is there to be happy about? Valerie Jarret is now saying---"Let's move on". Yeah. Let's move on to the next fraud----COVID-19 and riots that aren't.

You know, the GOP really could do a lot better.

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