Thursday, July 9, 2020

I goofed

A recent post titled "The King is Dead, Long live the King." had a mistake in it.

Normally, I am more careful with the use of the language. When I have a doubt about a meaning of a word or phrase, I look it up before making the post. This time I must have rushed ahead with this and maybe left an impression that I did not intend.

Historical usage of the term does not agree with my meaning. Whenever a monarch dies, the incoming monarch is hailed with the "Long live the King" part of the phrase. The passing of one monarch and transition of power to another insures stability.

Our current situation is not like this at all. The only way for me to have written it without changing a word of it, and still be 100% consistent with my meaning --- would have been in supreme irony. I do not consider what may be the new order arising from all of this garbage that been going as legit, nor desirable. Hence, there is NO long live the king to these monsters.

Anyone who follows this blog would know that without an explanation needed. I have bitched long and loud about the politicians in DC. The thing happening today is not at all in spirit with the Constitution nor the rule of law. Indeed, it is the rule of corrupt men and women. If they are to rule, I don't wish them a long reign nor a happy one.

If such a misfortune befalls us, their reign should be as short as possible.

Unfortunately, with these kinds of people, a lot of bloodshed will occur first, if they are to ever be dispensed with.

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