Monday, July 6, 2020

Let's put it another way

In case you thought that the "King is Dead" post was a bit much, look at it this way.

We were told that Trump was trying to be "above the law". But he was elected in a fair election, and if anything, the opposition was cheating---not him. The Russian collusion hoax has been thoroughly debunked as exactly that, and could have been debunked right out of the starting gate. The only reason not to accept the debunking is that those who are --- aren't being honest about it. The rule of law was not been broken solely by Trump being inaugurated as POTUS. Those who impeached him simply could not accept his victory. They've broken every rule in the book to get him out. His "crime" was being elected.

It has been this way since Trump was the apparent victor during the primaries. The GOP Estabishment tried to dump him, but failed. The collusion hoax was invented as a pretext for impeachment. Once that failed, the Ukrainian hoax began IMMEDIATELY. Once that led to a failed impeachment, the COVID-19 hoax began. Then the racial unrest was instigated once that scam failed. Now that the racial unrest appears to not be working as planned, here comes another go at the COVID-19. The Establishment may well shut it all down again. We cannot be allowed to enjoy a growing economy. We are being made to suffer. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

All these events have been orchestrated towards the same end---the removal of Trump as POTUS. Trump is a threat to the Establishment. He is not one of them. Neither are we, who he represents.

We won't get an honest admission of such from the instigators. They're honest about being opposed to Trump, which is fine, but the lengths to which they have gone is not.

This is not a legitimate protest. This is not a legitmate airing of grievances. It is a challenge to the rule of law, which these people once claimed to be so devoted to. Those opposed to Trump have sympathized with the rioters. They might as well be giving them a license to steal or to kill.

The Establishment does not recognize the right of the people, if it does not agree with what they want. The election of Trump was an example of that. No matter what they claim about loving Democracy and the Rule of Law, it is really about their own rule. Once those go against them, they want their revolution. John Kerry was predicting one of those if Trump won. But there already has been one and it continues to this very day. Anything else that happens is just a part of that. They cannot be honest about what they're up to.

Therefore, the people have no real say about their government nor who is to lead it. Those who preach about Democracy do not really respect it at all.

The Bill of Rights is being shredded. All men are created equal, but some are more equal than others. There is much preferential treatment. The riots are a bid for even more of the same. The Establishment is geared towards that end. They will not countenance any of this assertion of the "great unwashed" or "deplorables" that they have any rights that the Establishment is bound to respect. Does that sound familiar? It is from the Dred Scott decision. Guess who are the new slaves? You'd never guess, but the late Robert Byrd gave us a clue.

Basically, the Establishment is circling the wagons. The people wanted to assert their rights, but that is being nullified. The Establishment is driving this sedition. They are doing even though they have sworn to uphold the Constitution. Trump was on his way to re-election with a strong economy, but they threw a monkey wrench into that.

Their claims don't mean a lot. Why should anybody believe a bunch of liars? They are wolves in sheep's clothing.

But sometimes people prefer their chains. The King is really dead. It's no hype.

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