Thursday, March 16, 2023

Economic Leverage and the Wuhan-Virus Crisis

Seems appropriate today considering the news:

Re-posted from original:

Originally posted. April 2020:

The enormous amount of economic leverage, and the unwise dependence upon it made the current crisis inevitable.

Is it deliberate then? After all, these people have to know the power they are wielding, and how it can be used to attain more, or to deny it from those who wish to reform it.

If it isn't deliberate, then it is incompetence to an extreme. In any case, those who are attempting to LEVERAGE this health situation for political gain have some explaining to do.

I have a number of posts on the subject of economic leverage. Perhaps a reading of these could be worthwhile. 1) How much leverage? 2) Thoughts on Monetary Policy 3) My history with trading leverage 4) Is an economic collapse inevitable?

I regret not being better prepared for this "crisis". I am convinced I had the right idea, though.

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