Saturday, March 18, 2023


Update: NY District Attorney wants to arrest Trump

The lemmings are going over the ledge now. The insanity has gone into terminal mode.

The only corrective over the most recent past is an election, and the hope that the people will come to their senses. Well, the latter is iffy, and the former is being eliminated. There probably won't be an election in 2024, and if there is, it won't be any cleaner than the last one. If anything, it will be worse.

Trump will be arrested for political purposes and motivations. There is no issue here worth going after the former head of state. Paying off a porn star who was extorting him?

These people are nuts. They're driving the entire country off the cliff. There won't be any coming back from this.

Jan 15, 2021 They are insane

Byron York has an article out about the coming Senate trial to ban Trump from holding office again.

How can there be any doubt that these people are criminally insane? They stole the election, prevented the challenge process with a false-flag op, and now they want to leverage it into a ban upon Trump ever running again.

York says that Dems are going to claim that all they need for the ban against Trump is a majority. The trial is moot, so how can there be a vote on a ban?

They are insane.

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