Saturday, December 14, 2019

Crossfire Hurricane starting date fudged

I missed the Bongino show yesterday.  That's because I was slogging through the IG Report.  On Bongino yesterday, he focuses on a footnote, which he says debunks the starting date claim for the Crossfire Hurricane counter-intel investigation.

How?  McCabe shut down a CHS ( Confidential Human Source), who was supplying information that was essentially the same as Steele's.  But how can this be?  Steele's Dossier wasn't supposed to have been known until September.  In other words, they had Steele's info a lot longer than what they are claiming.  Also, supporting this view, Bongino says that there's no way they don't know about Downer until July.  They knew about Downer almost immediately, back in May.  So the Downer info wasn't the cause of the opening for the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Sundance at the CTH website has a theory about Downer as well.  If Sundance is right, that is even more reason to doubt that the starting date for Crossfire Hurricane was July 31, 2016.   No way they don't know about Downer.

The FBI might as well be called the Fudge Bureau of Inventions. 

Here's the footnote.

body of text in Inspector General Report

Footnote pointed to in the body of the text

Bongino says that the other CHS was probably connected to Steele's Company.  In other words, even though it wasn't Steele himself, it may as well have been Steele.  It was the same information.

Why change the dates?  They want everyone to believe that the Steele Dossier wasn't in their possession until much later, in September.  Why?  Because they weren't getting anywhere with Steele's info, that's why.  They needed the FISA warrant on Page.

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