Sunday, November 3, 2019


A few questions for those who may be interested:

  1. If Trump abused power with the Ukraine thing, then why didn't Obama abuse power for the Russian thing?
  2. Again, if Trump is abusing power, then why are his accusers any less so for wanting to impeach him?
  3. If process isn't important, and this isn't a criminal trial, then why not say that politics is the one and only reason for impeaching Trump?
  4. If the argument is that Trump really did violate the law, then why can't he have due process?
  5. If it is all political, and Trump's accusers want to preserve democracy, then why can't the people see what they are doing?  Shouldn't the people be informed of all of the facts so the people can decide?  Isn't that what Trump's accusers are saying?  If so, then why the secrecy?
  6. If it all comes down to "my truth", then why the hell should anybody care about anybody else's "truth"?  In short, if it is all about the Trump's accusers' truth, then why should conservatives and Trump supporter give a hoot about what his accusers think?  And vice versa?
  7. If the above isn't true, then why all the disrespect?

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