Monday, November 4, 2019

Don't take this faux impeachment lying down.


6:45 pm:

It may not be much, but I signed a petition recently denouncing this Democrat Star Chamber in the dungeon crap.  The Senate has 50 co-sponsors of a resolution against this garbage the last I heard.

Today I sent some emails out on my own.  It isn't much, but it is something.  If you don't like this garbage, I suggest you do something concrete about it.  If this stuff backfired on them, maybe they would be discouraged enough to stop trying to gain something from frauds like this.

11:45 am:

Obviously, I think there is a remedy.  You could expand upon what the Senate has already done.

A petition should be sent to Chief Justice Roberts.  Point out that he, as presiding judge, can rule out all "evidence" obtained from the Star Chamber in the Dungeon, a dismiss the case with prejudice.

Maybe that is asking too much, but it is better than saying nothing can be done.

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