Tuesday, October 1, 2019

More along the same thread...



Bongino talks about this on his show today.  Bongino thinks it was a mistake, but what if it isn't?  You have to think carefully on what this might mean in order to get the import of the question.


The focus seems to have come upon this changed protocol that allows hearsay from so-called whistleblowers ( who blow ).

CTH has some interesting things to say about the Intelligence Community Inspect General ( ICIG), Michael K. Atkinson.  It seems like Atkinson is involved in some shady deals of his own.  Read the article for details.  It is familiar stuff.  I file it under Obama Administration Skulduggery.

An obvious question arises, but I won't mention that now.  There's some scuttlebutt going round with respect to this very thought.  It may be nothing, but who knows?  "Get ready for a surprise!"  Maybe.

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