Monday, April 15, 2019

Why Isn’t Assange Charged with ‘Collusion with Russia’?

Andrew McCarthy at NRO

He wants to know what is going on?  It is a good question.  Keep in mind that Hillary wants to go after Assange.  There are a lot of people who supported Hillary in 2016.

Assange could be paying for the crime that they won't make Bradley Manning pay for.

But McCarthy believes that the Russians really did hack those emails.  Assange says that they didn't.

Come to think of it, how would Assange know if he is holed up in an Embassy?  It isn't the Russian Embassy.  How does Assange know WHO did it?

But they are going after him for Bradley Manning's crime.  Why not charge him for collusion and ask them for their proof?  Surely that is not so hard for the government to prove, but no, can't do that.

McCarthy is worried about Russian propaganda victories.  Well, if the Russians get one from this, who gave it to them???  HMMMMMMMMM??????

As for investigating Russian collusion, by all means investigate.  Just don't hire a special prosecutor for what is essentially an intelligence investigation.  Here is what is wrong with this.  An intelligence investigation can refer this to a criminal investigation entity if there is any warrant for it.  However, there isn't as much political hay that could be made with such an investigation.  The Mueller investigation was political.

Going after Assange is also political.  But who gets to run this show?  Is Hillary in the White House or Trump?


What do they want, the truth, or a scapegoat for Hillary and the Democrat's failures.

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