Saturday, November 10, 2018

"Don't just do something, stand there"

There is a site that I just came across, which discusses how phrases like this came into being.  It is a twist on the old saying which was "don't just stand there, do something."

The idea behind the twist is that it is sometimes preferable not to do anything, as opposed to frantically rushing about in futile activity that accomplishes little.

But you can twist it back, as a criticism of somebody who really should be doing something, but who is just standing there.  It is an ironic twist on the twist.  It really means, get off your butt and get moving!

In politics, ( you probably were wondering when I would get to that, weren't you?), the phrase might have application to the never Trumpers.  They don't want Trump to do something, they want him to stand there.  Of course, if you are like me, and like Trump, you want to see him do something ( which he does to the irritation of the never Trumpers).

Furthermore, the reason we almost had a disaster in Texas, and also why it was closer than it should have been, is that too many people have their noses in some poll ( or somewhere else).  If we got all our people out, then there wouldn't have been any losses, and "Beto" would have received a thrashing.

Instead, we are all standing around waiting to be rescued, like the dainty little girl on the railroad tracks who is waiting for Dudley DoRight to show up to rescue her from Snidely Whiplash.  Except that Dudley DoRight isn't always there to rescue you, and you might have to help yourself, cupcake.

Curses, foiled again!

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