Monday, May 7, 2018

The country is lost, can it be redeemed?

One look at the news is enough to drive a man to drink, if I were so inclined.

Even so, it still makes me feel really downbeat.

If it isn't the false narratives on the left, it is the powerless cries of double standards on the right.  For heavens sakes, you so-called conservatives.  Do you really believe that the people of this country are going to respond to your continuing cries of left wing bias, when you won't get off your backsides, and do something about it?  The Congress belongs to the GOP, the President is GOP, and would sign something into law, if you would just pass it.  You cannot blame this on liberal bias in the news.  The time to act has been for the last sixteen months, but you have little to show for it, you so-called conservatives.

Instead, we get the Keystone Cop to beat all Keystone Cops--- Robert Mueller.  Why not fire his ass?  But no.  Can't do that.  Question:  Just exactly what is it that you can do, you so-called conservatives?

The left keeps saying that there will be a Blue wave in the fall.  The right says not so fast, but then complains about double standards again.  It is as if they aren't in power and are running against the Democrat majority as in the past.  Did they not notice that the GOP runs both houses of Congress?  If the Democrats win in the fall, it will be because the GOP lost by default.  When that happens, and maybe it isn't an "if" after all, I'm sure we will all hear about the double standards, and how America is badly served by its low information voters.  Rush Limbaugh will wail again about having lost the country.

It shouldn't take an Einstein to figure out that the GOP doesn't want to win, and doesn't want to govern.  They just want to complain forever and ever.  It's good business for guys like Limbaugh.  Meanwhile, the country goes down the drain.

What could be done?  Well, back during the time when Texas was a part of Mexico, the colonists held protest conventions.  Why can't so-called conservatives start to take actions like that?  Why not consider consider some real action instead of mere complaints?  The Texans eventually declared their independence and made a new nation.  Actually, I would hope that this sort of drastic action would not be necessary these days.  But something had better be done and soon.

Bottom line:  In spite of all of the overwhelming evidence that the GOP should win in a landslide, they haven't given anybody any reason to show up in the fall.  They could definitely lose, but seem perversely determined not to do anything about it, except complain in the most powerless way imaginable.  They do not move anybody to support them, and that just might happen.

"But the President is doing better in the polls".  Give me a friggin' break!

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