Sunday, December 31, 2017

WaPoo: "What's wrong with Alabama?"

Originally post 12.10.17,
Updated 12.31.17:

I guess I must be out of step with the rest of the country.  But that is okay, because this popular culture shift is not one that I approve of, nor ever could.

If I had to do it over again, I would do the same thing, but harder.  I didn't write too much about Judge Moore because the whole thing was nuts.

Maybe that was the intention.  A lot of crazy talk can be a diversion from what should be the central issue of the campaign.  Which is this:  Will the people of what used to be called "Christendom" actually try to even defend even for a little while their heritage?

Being Jewish is no excuse.  It was Jews who brought us the Ten Commandments.  If they abandoned it, it doesn't mean that Christians should too.  The same goes for traditional marriage.

Judge Moore defended these at the expense of his job.  Something for which he should be commended, not criticized.  Too bad that Ann Coulter types feel that they must be ashamed for being unabashed Christians.  So-called "gays" have their gay pride.  So, why can't Christians be proud to be Christian?  Alabamans should not have let themselves be talked into being ashamed, if that is what happened.  They have nothing to be ashamed about, unless it was being fooled into being ashamed.

The original post follows:

Wrong question.  It should ask: "why wasn't this done sooner?"

Go Judge Moore.  Beat the commies..

Better still, you have to go after the corporatists fascists.  They are the ones who want this popular culture to degrade the way it has, and even make it worse still.

Cutting the tax rate on corporations is a mistake.  Doesn't matter if it improves the economy.  It only feeds the leftist propaganda machine with ammo for their class warfare.  Yet, the lefties love corporations.  All the big corporations seem to have lefties as CEOs.  Why is empowering them good for conservatism?  It isn't.

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