Saturday, June 4, 2016

JFK assassination theories and Trump

As I wrote before, Trump should have stayed out of this one.  Even though it isn't a big item, it does appear to have a life of its own, as the anti-Trumpers won't leave it alone.  They want to bring this up that Trump brought it up. 

This got me going again in this department too, so I researched a little and found this business that confirmed what I wrote in an earlier post on the subject.

What I found was that there was a Miguel Cruz associated with the man who was involved in an altercation with Lee Harvey Oswald, while Oswald was in New Orleans just months before the assassination.  Miguel Cruz is not the name of Ted Cruz's father, nor any search of ancestry that I undertook could find any relations connected to Cruz.  That doesn't clear Cruz of that, but the connection to the assassination was pretty lame to begin with.

Trump isn't careful enough with his words.  That could lead to his downfall.

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