Saturday, November 28, 2015


Perusing an article in Wikipedia on the subject.  It has made the news in recent years, and the impression from the news was that it was a negative thing.  According to the article, globalization is more popular outside the United States than within it.

Generally speaking, my impression is that the USA has been moving towards trade deals with much of the world.  Hence, you have the most recent attempt, the TPA and/or TPP.  One thing that has gotten my attention is the Open Borders component of this and its link to terrorism.  Not to mention the concept of multiculturalism and the decline of society and mores.

The rise of Donald Trump may be connected to this in the sense that he opposes Open Borders, and seeks a more aggressive negotiation stance with the rest of the world with respect to trade agreements.  I don't sense that Trump is opposed to Globalization per se, but doesn't tend to make a religion out of it.

There is an element in today's politics that does tend to make Globalization a type of religion and seeks to overturn national sovereignty.  That's what makes me suspicious of both parties.  Neither party is free from this, but Trump is challenging them, and that is driving their hysterical opposition to him, in my opinion.

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