Sunday, June 23, 2013

Larry Grathwohl interview about William Ayers,Obama's Mentor

This is rather chilling to listen to when you realize that these people are now in charge of this country.

Since being elected, Obama has vastly increased the power and scope of the government, and seeks to do more.  Some of what I've been reading seems downright scary at this point.  For instance, the NSA whistleblower is considered a spy and there's a crackdown in all Federal agencies in order to prevent anything like this happening again. 

The scariest thing is that certain people that you may have thought to be conservative seem to be signing on to this.  The revulsion is not with the spying on the public, but with Snowden.   This gives Obama cover to try to arrest Snowden, which so far has failed.

Obama is not doing this for the benefit of the country.  He is doing it for his own benefit.  This country is in deep trouble.

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