Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why a Typical Honest Russian Immigrant Hates Obama

Alla Axelrod, American Thinker

Alla Axelrod came to the U.S. with her family in 1979. She made a niche for herself as a musical entertainer/comedienne, achieving a fair degree of success and fame in that field.
So now Obama wants to feed more drug addicts and illegal immigrants on honest workers' pay. Plus this disgusting idea of "redistribution of wealth" I already wrote about, which is pure socialism, the idea even the Russians discarded as a bankrupt system. Hello...hasn't he heard it doesn't work, or don't they teach history at Harvard and Columbia? Or did he miss those classes? 

The article points out that a lot of Obama's support is unthinking.  If only these people would think.

One thing they could think about is why support Obama on the basis of what he inherited from Bush?  He hasn't even improved upon Bush's performance.  Not more jobs created.  As far as the wars, Bush inherited the world situation from Clinton.  Yes, two can play the blame game.  As long as we are blaming predecessors, we can blame Clinton for not getting bin Laden when he had the chance.  At least some of the responsibility for 9-11 was Clinton.

So Obama's record is no reason to support him.  Only unthinking support for this guy.

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