Monday, December 5, 2011

Ann Barnhardt on today's immorality

That last post gave me the idea for this post.  So I went over to Ann Barnhardt's site and I realized what she is saying is absolutely right.  She rips the politicians a new one every day.  Our society is morally corrupt, I have no doubt about it now.  That fact that Congress, and in particular, the Democrats, believe that the people can be bribed into supporting them tells you everything you need to know about the state of the union.  It tells you something about the Congress, but it also tells you something about the people.  We still have the right to vote and we still elect these reprobates.  Too many people think you can get something for nothing and actually expect to be given a free ride.  The government is losing its legitimacy because the only thing that can enforce a sense of obligation is by force or by moral choice.  If there's no morality, there can be no choice.  That leaves force.  In such a case as that, freedom cannot continue to exist.

I've just listened to the interview where Ann Barnhardt was on as a guest.  It makes Chris Laird's stuff look tame by comparison.  If she's right, we are in for one helluva bad time coming up shortly.

I'd like to believe that this can be avoided and it could.  But most people don't believe that there's a problem and definitely refuse to believe that those in charge are to blame for it.   That's because it is an indictment of themselves as well for we have the power to choose our own leaders and this is what we have chosen for ourselves.  Wait until the crap hits the fan and then everybody will understand that the buck will have to stop somewhere and that can be found by looking into the mirror.

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