Saturday, October 8, 2011

Limits to Growth-- Why?

This mode of thinking is what influences so much of what is going on today.  There are those who don't believe technology can solve our problems, so they aren't very interested in new technology, such as cold fusion.  Nor in space colonization.  Yet, it is these very things that may solve our problems, if we can break free from the shackles of this limiting mindset.

That's the focus of the book I am reading now.  It is written by Dennis Wingo and it is called "Moonrush".  It corresponds in spirit with Jerry Pournelle wrote about in his book, mentioned here.

All of this that I write about has a purpose.  You cannot do much good if you have no purpose to what you are doing.  The purpose here is to get people to change the way they think.  We can solve our problems.  The solutions are there.  We need only to reach out for them.

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