Friday, November 8, 2024

Odds and ends

Nothing particular in this post, but a few short observations.

The election is never ending, it seems. Here we are, into the weekend, and this thing hasn't concluded yet. It appears that the GOP will retain the House, but that isn't news. The slow count is the news.

I'm noticing something while going through some of these districts. Some of the voting in some districts is rather light. I think that's rather odd, and what could it mean? I'd rather not speculate at this moment. But who knows sometime later? What I noticed would have no bearing on the outcome in my opinion. But it IS rather curious.

There's some speculation on how the second Trump Administration will be staffed. It's way early on that one.

On an unrelated subject, since this is odds and ends, I've been doing a bit of a history research thing. It seems that the Battle of Antietam during the Civil War was perhaps even more significant that the Battle of Gettysburg. Either battle might have resulted in the complete destruction of the Army of Nothern Virginia. What makes Antietam so significant was that the South had victory within sight, but was denied their victory. But the Army of the Potomac could have pressed their advantage and ended the war at a relatively early stage.

I don't know why I didn't know that already. It seems to get overlooked.

The South never really had a chance in that battle, and therefore the battle should not have been fought there. In going for a victory, Robert E Lee may have squandered his only chance in actually winning the war. He seems a bit overaggressive in my estimation. Two times he invaded the North and was nearly destroyed both times. He had more success defending his own territory.

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