Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Gab Ai and other things

8:03 AM

I've tried some AI's before. A Truth Social user recommended Gab's AI, so I asked it ( calls itself Arya) the following question, with an answer that's given.

Starship doesn't have that capability without refueling. Big difference. The latest version cannot put 100 tons in LEO (low earth orbit) for goodness sakes. Not that good of an answer.

9:55 AM:

Tucker Carlson video on Gab. Politicians have much to hide. I learned a couple things here I didn't know. Not that I haven't heard, but when someone "brings receipts", it has more credibility.

Evidently, lots of relevant information can fall through the cracks because it could get dismissed just like that. Where there's credibility, it cannot be dismissed. An example is the kind of credibility of seeing Biden stumbling through a debate with your own eyes. That kind of thing is hard to dismiss. Tucker has some receipts you might want to check out.  Censors may shut it down before you see it, so you better have a look.

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