Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bloodbath is a blood libel

How did I find this "bloodbath" blood libel of the Democraps? It was a link to Rumble with respect to a different matter---Kamala Harris. If I depended upon the media, I'd never learn about this that I am about to relate.

I don't go to Trump's rallies. I don't watch Trump on TV. I get my news elsewhere. So I knew all the "bloodbath" garbage was more of the same crap the Democraps spew forth on a regular basis. An honest person would at least check up on some of their accusations, don't you think? Incidentally, Ground News doesn't help you do this kind of analysis. It is too shallow.

Anyway, the "bloodbath" thing morphed into "Trump's going to start a bloodbath". Plus the other usual garbage that comes from the political left, such as "Trump's going to end our democracy".

This is going to be a street fight every day, and you'd better be prepared for it. For anybody else, try to get around more with respect to your information sources. Listening to Democraps will definitely make you quite stupid.

It's a blood libel because it's directed against an identity ( traditionally Jewish, but can generalize to anybody who is out of favor) with hatred in mind, and an intention to do great harm. This is what happened in America on 9-11, and what is continually happening with Israel. Guess who is behind this now?

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