Wednesday, June 5, 2024

American flag is now a target of the political left

Old Glory is now a "symbol of hate and extremism".

It should be recalled that the 9-11 terrorists attacked SYMBOLS of America: 1) The World Trade Center's Twin Towers, 2) The Pentagon, and 3) an unknown target, presumably either the White House or the Capitol Building. So now the left wants to attack the symbols of our country? Whose side are they on?

This isn't really new for the left. In the late eighties, George HW Bush accepted the nomination by noting that Michael Dukakis, his opponent, did not honor the flag.

He mentions this in this part of his acceptance speech for the nomination for President in 1988:

Later in the speech, he leads in the recitation of the pledge of allegiance:

These days, the left does no honor to the flag. But it is no longer hidden behind the niceities of "freedom of speech". You can burn the flag, but don't you dare disfigure the Rainbow Flag. The left now protects the Rainbow Flag and terrorists and their sympathizers. Such is now the condition of our country.

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