Tuesday, April 30, 2024

James Carville loses it, big time


If I may interject a basic observation here. The radical left wing is running the White House, and by extension, the Democrat Party. Consequently, they align with terrorists and terrorist sympathizers, like Hamas. They enact new regulations, such as Title IX equal opportunity laws that now include trannies as a protected class. This puts trannies in your daughters bathrooms at schools all across the nation. It is LAW. New tax laws propose to tax unrealized gains. This could put your home in their crosshairs if you cannot afford the taxes. If they start World War III, you'll have to go fight their wars. Far left lunacy is out of control.

Carville has been speaking out against this stuff, but he wants the young to ignore all this madness, and actually embrace it. Which way is it, hmmm? For or against the radical left???

So Biden's poll numbers crash amongst the young and with their usual client groups. Perhaps not all these Democrat leaning groups have completely lost their minds yet. But Carville seems to be losing his. Or has he been nuts the whole time?

end update of 4/29/24 post


Is he on crack or something?

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