Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Establishment Shell Game

This is primary season, and today is what is called "Super Tuesday". If you bothered to notice, the Democrats won't allow an actual primary challenge to their "boy", Joe Biden. So they ran off RFK, Jr. They probably gave Manchin an offer he couldn't refuse, so he wouldn't run against Biden either. While doing this, they fret that old Joe hasn't got it anymore. In the meantime, they want to run as the party that will save Democracy against the Trump faction of the GOP. It's not about Democracy. It's a shell game.

A shell game is a game in which the truth of the situation is being obfuscated in order to trick somebody into thinking the shell isn't where it truly is. With the Democrats, their voters will do whatever they are told to do. There is no Democracy there, for if there was, there would be open, free, and fair elections during this primary season. But that is being prevented, and they claim Democracy. What a bunch of hooey. What the Democrats will end up doing is pretending to hold primaries, while having their voters cross over to vote in the GOP primaries. Once that process is over, they'll switch the nominee(s) (both parties) over to a more "promising" candidate. Some "Democracy", huh?

While doing all this, they'll try to influence the outcome of the GOP primaries. Obviously, they want a candidate more to their liking, which would be "Nikki" Haley ( or whatever her real name is ). So their shell game crosses the aisle, so to speak. Consequently, the idea is to prevent any true two party competition for the vote. More "Democracy" for you. The real target is their own candidates, as they are presented, even though this bears little resemblance to the will of the people. For if it did, Donald Trump would already be the nominee, as Haley would have dropped out. All she can win are the blue states. Biden probably wouldn't survive an honest primary challenge.

The blue states are blue because they are safe Democrat seats. What good is it for a GOP candidate to win blue states then? If you cannot hold your own state, like Haley couldn't, then what hope for victory do you really have? Do they honestly believe that they can win elections like that? The blue state voters will not show up for Haley. Not to mention the fact that the base of the GOP won't show up for the likes of Haley. Who's going to vote for her?

But winning isn't the never-Trumper style. Even when the GOP wins, it refuses to do anything with their victories. This is clear in how they acted after the 2016 Trump victory. The GOP owned both houses of Congress, and the Presidency. Instead of actually governing, they pretty much ceded it all to the Democrats. When the Establishment cannot win, they'll take their ball and go home.

By 2020, they couldn't turn the Trump voters against him, so they connived with the Democrats in producing a fraudulent election outcome. Then when Trump wouldn't go away, the Uniparty Establishent managed a fraudulent "insurrection". Now they are attempting more of the same kind of old tricks until the get their way. Eventually, there will be a moment of truth, when they make their play. More than likely, there will be an open coup against the wishes of the public. For this is no Democracy. It is a pretend Democracy. If the voters wishes were respected, the primary season would be handled differently. They are hoping that the public will be fooled, or too indifferent to fight back against the usurpation that is taking place.

The primary season is the one way the voters will can be demonstrated. Yet once again, the Establishment is showing their contempt for the voter, and will impose their true choices upon the public. The voters have no real choice, because the voters keep voting for what the Establishment says to vote for. That's especially true on the Democrat side. There's the same sentiment within the GOP, which the GOP Uniparty Establishment wing attempts to nuture. If (or when) that happens, Trump will be cast aside, and Haley will be annoited the candidate even though nobody really wants her, save the Establishment. That's the shell game.

The true object of the Establishment is hidden until it doesn't matter anymore. The big reveal will take place after the primaries. Then they'll have the effrontery to tell us that they are saving Democracy. The shell game is a hoax and a swindle.

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