Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Super Tuesday

Trump is winning rather decisively in deep red states. He may lose Vermont, which is a deep blue state. That should tell you something, but I don't suppose that the people who need to hear it, are listening.

Haley has no chance of getting the nomination except by trickery. Even if she gets it, she has little chance of winning the general. Even if she does THAT MUCH, she's still no victory for the conservative faction of the GOP. Hence, she will have very little real support there. Whatever she wins, it won't be too much different from what we are already getting from Biden.

She seems all too willing to say anything in order to get the nomination. For that reason, I'd say she is not trustworthy at all. She is already reneging on her promise to endorse the winner of the primaries. She won't endorse Trump. She claims to be willing to pardon Trump, but can that promise be believed? She'll say anything.

At this moment, after 10 PM Central time, she has only the support of the deep blue jurisdictions. California has not been counted yet. Who knows what happens there.

I'm taking the Rhett Butler route. Frankly my dears, I don't give a damn. I'm tired of the histrionics of the political left and their dupes who call themselves "moderates". It's a shell game. Which means the entire charade is designed to fool the public. Haley couldn't get elected dog catcher. The only way she ends up in power is by trickery and deceit. She'll be controlled by the Derp State even if she wins. The election process is one in which marred by an excess of corruption, which has infected the entire political process. We'll be lucky if anything honest emerges from this. Indeed, it would be a miracle.

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