Friday, February 16, 2024


2/16/24, 9:26 PM

Here's an example, which by the way, is but one example.

You don't expect government officials to behave this way. It's nuts. Gonzo to the extreme. The term "gonzo" in itself is extreme, so it is even extreme for these people.

It's a bit alarming for grown men and women to lose all sense of proportion and rationality. But that's where we are.

end daily update, the original post is directly below:

The word meaning was unclear, so it needed some clarification. In this usage, it will be considered a synonym for bizarre.

Perhaps these are interesting times, as the Chinese might say.

If that is all it is, then maybe the boredom will return.

Or is that just a preference? Perhaps things should be more normal, but what is normal these days?

Gonzo is a period of instability. Gonzo is not going to be something that you can count on. Eventually, the interesting times have to end. The gonzo time will become boring in itself. It's not necessarily entertaining now, if it ever was. However, some folks talk about getting some popcorn and watching it like reality TV. If it seems to be getting too weird for almost everyone, then it will need to stop. But how? When?

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