Thursday, January 11, 2024

Harris County Grand Jury Declines to Indict Hero Customer Who Shot Taqueria Robber

1/11/24: Update to post of 1/4/24:

An opinion piece tweeted below, which supports the decision of the Houston Grand Jury.

Comment: Perhaps it is intemperate of me to say that the people who really need to be shot are the ones who made this shooting necessary in the first place. Wouldn't it be better if the crooks knew that their chances for getting away with crime was virtually nil due to the fact that crime wouldn't be tolerated? But the powers-that-be want the crime, so its crime that we get.

end update, the original post is directly below:

This is a story from my old stomping grounds in Houston. There was a shooting at a taqueria in the Southwest area. A friend owned a taqueria in that area, if I am not mistaken about the location given in the tweet. South Gessner area covers a lot of ground. No address was given, but the name of the establishment was. I'm not familiar with that name. I don't know how much more I will dig for details.

I checked into the name of the district attorney, which sounds familiar. I left Houston in 2016, and Kim Ogg took over on Jan 1st, 2017. I didn't vote in that election. The Wikepedia article says she was a Republican once, but is a Democrat now. There are claims that she was funded by the Soros gang.

I'm sorry to say that Houston is appearing to follow the failed blue state model. There's not enough information here in order to determine if there was any merit to the charges, but the jury nobilled the case, so it's moot anyway. The general drift of the news indicates that this may have been another one of those cases in which the left wants to push the gun violence angle in a bid to play up the gun control issue.

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