Monday, July 17, 2023

A question for all the ages...

A long time ago for me, back in my youth, I was in school, and a question was asked of me. Not for me personally, mind you, for there was an audience. It seems like it is something that everybody wants to know about, but at the time, I was on the "hot seat", and I needed to answer. But I really didn't have one. So I fell back on something I saw in a book.

The question was about love, and what it was. Lordy, lordy! How is a skull full of mush going to answer a question like that? In time, everyone gets an idea of what that word means, and it may well be different for everyone. I don't recall exactly what I said at the time, but love seems to mean a whole lot of things.

Even a type like Forrest Gump would say that even though he wasn't a smart man, he knew what love was. That is to say, he knew of the physical component. It's more to it than that, though. As I was driving along the road today, I saw a sign in front of the church. Churchy types love to write these catchy phrases and post them where people can see them. The sign said: "love is patient, love is kind". That gave me the idea for this post, by the way. Love means a lot of things, you see.

But everybody is different, and they all have their own ideas of what it means. The book said it meant "being real". Being "real", meaning not to fake it. It is speaking from ones' deepest heart. At the end of it, you should have a warm feeling in your tummy. That's what it said. But I'm sure I wouldn't have said anything so mushy as that. I take being real means being truthful. So it works, in a way. But not exactly. A girl gave me that book. But there are times for mushy, and a time for not so much.

Anyway, the question is always asked, but does an answer come? If it does, consider it a bit of good fortune. But the fortune may not last. Fortunes have that quality.

Anyway, there's the post, for what it's worth. It's not saying much, but it says everything. After all, like the saying goes, love makes the world go round. Or does it? Hmmm......

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