Monday, January 16, 2023

Bongino show, 1-16-23

So Bongino mentions the COVID craze in his show today, and it's interesting. Actually, it is one of the reasons why the recent election was so disappointing that it is soul-crushing. People have got to smarten up, but what if they can't? Chilling thought.

The theme that runs throughout the entire political show is constant. The theme is this: these people LIE. Burn that into your cranial space, if at all possible. Once you get this, you become extremely skeptical of ANYTHING these people tell you. Once that skepticism is translated into actual facts and data, then the lies do not assume anywhere near the power that they do. Unfortunately for all of us, these lies might well end up killing us all.

Big time speculation there, eh? Not at all. Right now, you've got a war in Ukraine, which involves one nuclear power on one side, and another on the other. If at any time, this gets out of hand, and it is Armageddon. Of course, if that happens, everybody dies.

So it would behoove us all to get a totally realistic view of the situation AT ALL TIMES. Truth doesn't come in a package that is labelled "Republican" or "Democrat". Truth is truth. One truth that everyone needs to grasp, is that these politicians LIE. If we had a genuinely free and fair press, the lies would be uncovered before they could get dangerous. I'm here to tell you, or tried to tell you, that the danger is here and now. The LIES have to stop. But they rage on.

What is so discouraging about it all is that the liars take advantage of not so bright people. A lot of the lies depend upon people who may be on the left side of the bell curve, if you catch my drift. For "those in Rio Linda", bell curve is referring to the IQ of people, which follows a probabilty curve known as a "bell curve". Half the people fall on the left side, and half fall on the right side of the bell curve. This is by definition, so there's no arguing this. Some folks are just not gifted with much brains, and the politicians are taking advantage of these people.

I'd think that intelligent people could have seen through all this, so it isn't only IQ involved here. Some of it is just bad character. Smart people can take advantage of dumb people. In fact, they DO take advantage, and one way is through dishonest politics. If you think that one side of the "political spectrum" has an monopoly upon virtue, you'd be mistaken. But communists are by disposition, and by practice, very DISHONEST in the main. Believing them at any time is very risky business.

I keep hammering on truth, but that doesn't do much good here. Too bad. For the record, nobody is perfect, and I'm not claiming to be morally perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But I DO believe that truth is our safe harbor. I've written it again and again. Once you get out of that safe harbor, anything and everything that can happen is now in play.

I think that this is the situation now. Those who have the power to shed light upon the darker side of human behavior, have gone over to the dark side themselves. I'm talking about the miscalled "news media". There is no news in these people now. They have become politicized, and truth is hard to find. People need to wise up to this, and start get skeptical as a matter of necessity.

Question everything and question it continually without remorse. The forces against us are just as remorseless in their lying.

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