Sunday, December 25, 2022

'Tis the season


Today is Christmas, so ho-ho-ho... It's been awhile since I last posted. Nothing else really out of the usual, though.

Or if there was, it wouldn't be mentioned here. Generally speaking, all is reasonably well, all things considered.

But it really isn't all about me, I hope.

One thing that I did today was to go out and get some vittles. It's been cold, like it is in many places in the country, and I was getting a bit stir crazy. It didn't occur to me that everywhere would be closed. Everybody is observing the holiday, it seems. To me, that is rather striking. This may not be a Christian country anymore, but it seems that everybody is taking the day off.

So I didn't get anything to eat, except what I've got around here. Don't want to tattle on myself, but I get a little tired of my own cooking. My culinary skills are rudimentary, cuz I don't exactly like to cook. It DID surprise me a bit that nobody seemed to be open today. Not even Mickey D's. Geez, I'd figure one of those Godless corporations would have been out there seeking the almighty dollar today, but nope. Whataburger was closed too. Oh no!

It might seem a bit Scrooge-like for me to expect people to be working today. Well, to tell the truth, I think 'ol Scrooge might not have been the bad guy that was portrayed. Anyway, he came out okay in the end.

I know one thing, this cold weather is a drag. One good thing about it is that it keeps the bugs in check. Hurray for that.

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