Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Why I knew early on that there was not any Russian Collusion in 2016

Why I knew early on that there wasn't any Russian Collusion in 2016

This link shows how somebody managed to obtain confidential information for use in a political campaign. This is a tactic seen many times over the years, but I have yet to see this tactic employed against a DEMOCRAT. Got that? If there was ANY information of the type that would have shown collusion in 2016, the Democrats would have obtained it. It wouldn't have to legitimately obtained either. It could have been any kind of information, illicitly obtained or otherwise.

What we DID see was the Steele Dossier, which turned out to be a pure fabrication. It was doubtful to me that any of the things that was claimed there were accurate to begin with. If there was anything, they wouldn't have had to use something like the dossier in order to "prove" a case that didn't exist in the first place.

That sums of why I knew that there was no collusion. If it existed, then it would have been found--one way or another. It simply didn't exist. Also, the Democrats have shown an increasing tendency to make stuff up. That isn't new, but it is getting more and more common. These days, it seems that the Democrats have absolutely nothing to recommend themselves, so they have to resort to the sleaziest tactics imaginable.

Pelosi was quoted as saying she couldn't understand why anyone would vote for Republicans. Actually, it should have been the other way around. As a matter of fact, I think Pelosi and the rest know that they aren't worth a damn. They are hoping enough people believe them that they can make it all continue to work, and that means just enough to be within the margin of cheat.

It really has gotten to that point with them. If there was any justice, the Democrats should get absolutely crushed in this election. But it wouldn't surprise me at all that they don't.

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