Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Lowered expectatations

What should the GOP do if they were to regain control of Congress? The answer is not a whole lot. The most likely outcome would be narrow majorities. With such an outcome, very little could be done, except to control the agenda going forward. Even if anything were to pass both houses, Brandon would veto it.

Furthermore, in a closely divided Congress, any defections would likely prevent anything substantive to be passed anyway.

The one thing that would have to happen has already not happened. There would have to have been a lot of incumbents who lost in the primaries. Too many survived on the GOP side. There are a lot of Establisment GOP types remaining, who will probably "gum up the works", thus preventing anything useful from being done.

The best thing to happen would be a crushing defeat to the Democrats. It won't happen.

I wouldn't be surprised if they steal another election.

The only way to "save" democracy is to make sure that elections are honest. There's a lot of effort being expended to ensure that this won't happen. So I won't be surprised if it doesn't.

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