Friday, July 29, 2022

Everything they tell you is a lie

There. I said it. The central truth to our society now is this: it is all based upon falsity. The entire system is set up to divert you from truth. Ok. If that's too all pervasive, then the entire political system certainly is dishonest.

Yes, and the political system is wrecking everything else that might have some integrity left.

I'm focusing on AGW because that is one of the biggest lies out there. I can keep finding reasons why it is bunk. Now get this: if this bothers you in any way, then why is that? You should be indignant. But my guess is that this dishonesty can continue as long as people let it continue. But watch out. Once the lies stop working, the iron fist is not far behind. It is like the Aesop's Fable about the lamb and the wolf. The wolf will end up doing whatever he pleases because force has the better of the argument. Until you can overcome the wolf, the wolf will always win. Make no mistake, DC is being run by the wolves.

Voting for the GOP won't help. The GOP is in on the deception as well. The GOP pretends to oppose the Democrats. They give you just enough hope to believe that they will actually do what they say, but in the end, they will betray.

What to do, then? That is actually a hard problem because a lot of it is going to hurt. It is easy to continue as we are, and that is why nothing is likely to be done about it.

Once again, they are lying to us. On CTH, Sundance has a post on the central problem. The central problem is always going to be some facet of dishonesty. If they were honest, the problems can be dealt with. As long as they are the way they are now, nothing can be fixed. Things are going to get worse.

I think I'm dead on the target here. The reason it doesn't click is that people just don't care to address what the real problem is. It is the total lack of integrity in our political system. Nobody will address that. For the longest time on this blog, I've been talking about the lack of respect for the truth. Well, there it is.

Solutions are possible. But not until people stop being so gullible.

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